A lot of people has been spending most of their time working, going to school, trying to figure out what they want or could be something else. They tend to forget that they also need a break from all of the responsibilities in life. Traveling It's a good way to take a break or unwind and get out of those suffocating 4 walls. Here are some great benefits of traveling: 1. Relieves stress, ofcourse. 2.Teaches you about your homeland. I was born and raised in Philippines where it has more than 7,000 islands. I moved to Arizona 2 years ago. Traveling doesn't just make you learn about foreign culture but able to notice a big difference from yours. Cebu, Philippines Havasupai Falls, Arizona Time Square, New York 3. Try different things. Food is one of my favorite thing to try. Here are some photos 4. Most especially, DEVELOP A GREAT GROWTH AND INDEPENDENCE We've become comfortable with our daily roles or routines because we know how to deal wi...